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Friday, February 5, 2010

Seperation of Church and US

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, expression. Ratified. 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The United States Constitution is has been called a "document of negative Liberties." Which I reply to that is how can Liberty, which was the primary goal of the founders, be anything other than negative powers? The definition of liberty describes it as the absence of external control. Which is exactly what government, and especially the current federal government in its form, is. Those in Washington telling us, the citizens what we cannot do. Well, the Constitution is what maintains our liberty, our ability to tell the Government what they cannot do!

The first 10 words of the constitution are the most warped pieces of the first amendment by judicial and political bureaucrats. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" is the root for the statement "the separation of church and state." Which is explained and often taught in public education as the "Government has no right to mention a god of any kind," let alone the god that represents over 80% of the countries population. The same God that was at the forefront of the American founders minds when forming this union. When the actual uses of those 10 words are put into the perspective of the founders, who for the most part left their native countries because of religious persecution, they are perceived more accurately. The Founders were simply stating that the congress, which is responsible for the creation of laws, cannot choose any specific religion i.e. the Church of England, as the established religion of the state, therefore allowing the citizens to worship God freely without fear of the Government punishing them.

Now with the existence of such legal bodies like the ACLU and the ever increasing number of atheist and anti-God organizations represented by them, the first 10 words of the 1st amendment are being twisted and established within higher courts and setting a precedent in the judicial system that removes God from all aspects of the Government, even our history, but most importantly our culture.

As any reader is probably curious at this point why I stated the document is a "negative" document in the introduction I am attempting to point out that a lack of religion i.e. atheism is in fact a replacement for it. Creating a Government that lacks the mention of a higher being, and removes the influence of a creator is in and of itself establishing a form of religion. Thus, the first 10 words of the 1st amendment of the constitution are in fact being violated by this effort. The Government telling its citizens that they cannot be open with their religion.

And then the impact of the following 6 words from the first 10 becomes highlighted, "prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Obviously removing God from the countries citizen’s everyday activities is prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. And in a country founded by Christians, who still maintains the vast majority of its populace and therefore impacting the most people, the absence of God in their Government is prohibiting free religion.

In conclusion, when the Federal Government forces state and local governments to remove items from their established government buildings they are in fact imposing "control" and removing liberties from the majority. As the first sentence of the first amendment you would think that it is an important, if not the most important, concept of the Constitution and there should be no room for error in its meaning. The constitution is not a document to be interpreted; it is a document to be adhered to in its strictest form. Therefore, plainly stated, the religion of no God cannot take precedence over the religions of God. So what is established with God within the Government cannot be un-established in favor of another religion, even if that religion is the absence of God.

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