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Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Shore! Again!

Hitler reacts to Jersey Shore Season II


For the love of everything sweet and holy MTV is making a Jersey Shore Season 2!
That's right folks, a second edition of Guido anarchy is on the way courtesy of MTV!
The show's new location is still unknown but there is a possibility that the Jersey Shore crew will not be in New Jersey. 

The most memorable moment in Season one was undoubtedly Snooki's boxing match. 

Come to find out this guy is a Queens Gym teacher. He will forever live in infamy as the dude who hit a girl!

Let me know how The Jersey Shore has changed your life!



Trophy Wife said...

GREATEST SHOW EVER! I could not be happier that it is coming back. They can't go back to the shore because they start filming in March. It's cold in Jersey in March so there are no hoes at the shore to get in the hottub with The Situation!

Turk said...

So where should they go if not Jersey? My vote would be Vegas! But, I am partial to Vegas and that is the only place on my mind when thinking "vacation."