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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Years of preparation will not be in vain!

For so long I have been focused on the end of the world. Finding deals in the newspaper on ammo and constantly keeping up with the next big Kansas gun shows in KC and Topeka. Telling myself that every time I see a "deal" on a firearm that I won't be sorry when the zombie invasion happens. Well, thanks to our countries sickening love affair with our fearless Leader my preparations will not be in vain!

The President who is constantly in campaign mode and his legion of mindless drone followers have done more damage to the ideological foundation of this country in just over a year than any liberal in our short history.

Here are a few ideas that need to be published.

1. The saying "the truth hurts" exists for a reason. The word "Socialist" means something and the definition is being played out by the leader of the Free World. The media refuses to call a duck, a duck. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck its a damn duck people! Denying something is what it is only makes it harder to deal with.

2. Don't drink the kool aid there is poison in it you idiot! This Jamestown reference is focused at the people who blindly nod their heads at anything a politician says. Learn the specifics of a topic and learn how it will effect the entire picture not just whats surface deep. Passing a bill into law that costs a trillion+ dollars will not be some magical Utopian decision and will not be without repercussions. The affect goes farther than just your individual yearly health care costs. FYI- Watch the price of the US Dollar.

3. A sob story doesn't justify taking money from other people. Reliance on the Government is just that, taking from others. Tax payer dollars are not meant for your failure to prepare for the future. This is the United States if there is an emergency medical situation your lifelong responsible behavior can benefit you. Yet another reason to be responsible with your money and credit and to teach your kids to do the same. You are not entitled to anything, everything is earned and when you lose that mentality you lose your liberty.

4. Opportunity should be the primary purpose for politicians. Providing a free and open society that allows an individual the opportunities to be just that, an individual. Any law that makes you dependent makes you a slave. A state dependent slave is called a communist.

5. Know what your foundation is. Core principles aid you in your political education. What are you for? What are you against? Now learn everything about it. How does it effect you, your family and the future.

6. Utopia doesn't exist. Utopia doesn't exist. Utopia doesn't exist. Nothing is ever free! You must work for EVERYTHING you have. No exceptions. No politician is comeing to your rescue, and if they tell you otherwise they are lieing! It is as simple as that!

The current status of our nations future is in serious jeopardy. Your homework assignment is to learn the impact of the Countries credit rating possibly being downgraded due to the massive spending and debt being accumulated by this current Government. Here is a website that will give you links and a crash course on the situation.