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Monday, December 27, 2010

Don't ask, don't tell... Don't care!

My father-in-law recently asked me "how does this new change in military policy actually impact those in the military?" Of course referencing "don't ask, don't tell" I thought that it was a unique and intellectually driven question because those in the media and especially those pushing the movement would never want the opinion of those who would actually be affected by the policy shift. I thought to myself that the inept and lazy pop culture society that is the current culture within our country, I knew that I had to post on this topic. So, here is the bread and butter of the situation from the boots on the ground.
First the facts must be known. The original DADT legislation was passed by President William J. Clinton in 1993 with the intention that this policy would open the door to military service regardless of sexual orientation. The repeal of DADT was signed by President Barrack Hussein Obama in December of 2010 in the 11th hour of a lame duck session of Congress. The very same people who fought behind the scenes for political action to repeal the policy where the very same people fighting tooth and nail to end the policy. Yet the Progressive community organizers love to "use" and manipulate their own politically ignorant minions to believe that this policy is somehow the work of either conservative bible thumpers, Republicans or evil military leaders. The fact of the matter is; this policy was a failed liberal idea and they would sooner have the electorate judge policy by their intentions than by their results.

My astute view on the impact is, it simply does not impact me, and here is why.
(This is my disclaimer, the following is not politically correct so if you don't want to hear the unfiltered truth,
go away!)
The threat to the disciplined mentality and structure of the United States Armed Forces is the openly flamboyant "flaming" homosexual who uses the system to their advantage frivolously throwing out accusations of abuse or unequal treatment. The truth in this matter is; the basic military training environment is designed to filter out those incapable of accomplishing the simplest of military tasks, regardless of sexual preference. And here is where the whacked out journalists in today's incompetent media will freak out. The first time there is a whisper from our training bases that an openly gay trainee was injured by his peers the media will throw out accusations that it is because the trainee was a homosexual. When the truth would more likely be that this trainee was weak and not accomplishing their assignments at the expense of the fellow trainee's. The gay trainee's comrades where sick of carrying the weight left in the wake of the trainee's incompetence and in an effort to "motivate" the battle buddies lit the trainee up. Why is a gay trainee who is flamboyantly feminine or "metro" not capable of being in the military? Believe it or not the military is not for those who think the world should be filled with rainbows and lollipops. It is an organization for the strong of mind and heart. This general idea would apply to any individual regardless of sexual orientation. No deviations, no compromise.

I personally know several (as in more than one) openly gay soldiers (male and female) currently working in the ranks of the armed services. These members are honest with their fellow soldiers and guess what, they weren't dimed out by their friends, no paper work was filled and no Article 15's where issued. Surprise, the military takes care of their own! Who would have guessed!? Soldiers want the simplest of things; to go home at night and to survive deployments. Sexual preference simply doesn't factor in to most people's equations...

The most frustrating and morale busting issue with this topic is the ignorance of those that are pushing this issue in the media and in the hallways of the Pentagon. Those intolerable people are the Hollywood celebrities attempting to "act" their way to importance and the Washington politicians seeking their next 15 minutes of air time. If the movement was authentic why didn't the media interview former military members that had experienced the struggle or someone with authentic credibility with the issue. The movement in my opinion was hollow and propped up by progressives who think they own the moral high ground in society.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vets Love Marisa Miller!

The amazing, the beautiful, Marisa Miller! The USO is a God send, and Marisa only makes it better. Thank you for giving up your time to put smiles on good dreams on the faces and minds of the soldiers!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

End All Racism!

The teeter totter of American civil rights is once again at its peak. The institutionalized idea of racism has reached the headlines of major media outlets, but why aren't the leaders in journalism highlighting the true racists? Why is there another failure to identify the truth, why is there a failure to identify the real threat?
Something that really irks me is when society, and the media in particular, misuse or manipulate the true definition of a word. For example the word racism. Take a hard look at the use of the word in society and honestly answer to yourself, why is it only whites can be racist? Why is it that a white politician has to be so defensive of the label?

The December 2002 comments made by Trent Lott during Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday became a political career killer.  Trent Lott said the United States would have been better off had Strom won his presidential campaign. Though the quote itself was not racially charged, the time in history when Strom was running for president he was an open segregationist. It was obvious at the time of the comment that Lott intended the words to be a compliment to Thurmond at his 100th birthday, the media neglected to include the context in which the quote was used. To the contrary, where was the media during Robert Byrd's career in the senate? Where was the media when Bill Clinton justified Robert Byrd's history in the KKK as just a route used to get elected in the south?The unfair treatment of conservative politicians compared to liberal politicians is disturbingly obvious.

The latest example of reverse racism actually occurred during the 2008 Presidential election.

A case was filed with the Department of Justice but was dropped by Attorney General Eric Holder. The Assistant AG in charge of the investigation has now resigned in protest over the matter. Under the Bush administration Assistant AG's were fired for incompetence and that matter became a major media news headline for several months.

On Monday July 12th 2010, in Kansas City Missouri, the NAACP called for the public rebuttal to the Tea party movement claiming that the movement is a racially motivated organization portraying racist ideas... My response, name ONE! The media has been gunning for the organization since the Obama-care debates, if the Tea Party had tripped up and if just one member said something or did something that could easily be viewed as racist it would have plastered on every news source across the country, but that hasn't happened has it!? Nope... Yet the NAACP and it's institutional approach to racism has thrown a giant label on the grassroots movement in an attempt to disrupt and slow down the Tea Parties apparent power to elect conservatives. The attack on the Tea Party to me is a clear political move. The Tea Party makes the liberals in the NAACP very, very afraid...

The fact of this matter is; racism is immoral in any form.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights."

There is not compensation for past transgressions when concerning civil rights. It is not justice to punish future generations for past generations mistakes, society must adjust the mistakes of the past to equality and progress forward. Justice should be the name of the game. Justice is a simply defined virtue; the quality of being just and fair. Every individual citizen of this country has a personal obligation to live their lives by this concept, plain and simple. Equal justice for all.

God Bless!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chicago and guns, the breakdown

Here is the story.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states; A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Those who follow the religion that is progressive liberalism have many fundamental deficiencies that drive them to their misguided and often ignorant conclusions, however a major inability to identify the root cause to any socio-political problem consistently leads progressive leadership to ridiculous policy choices like that of Chicago's gun ban.

Talking points.

  • What is the primary problem in Chicago?
  • How does it impact an individuals right to defense?
  • Who is doing the shooting and how do they get their weapons?
  • Is there a world comparison?
  • What is the fix?
My breakdown. 
      After living in Chicago for two years I had a unique perspective from the inside. Working for a P.I. firm I was sent into some pretty nasty areas of the city and I will be honest, I was carrying. It is insane to go into the southland and not have some kind of personal defense plan. Like a line in the sand, the city is a warzone south of the loop. Gangs and drugs are the rule of law.

In the Summer of 2008 the city of Chicago's murder rate reached 125. The death toll in Iraq during the same period of time was 65. A story that was absolutely covered up by the Chicago media. The environment of anti guns is far easier to sell to the city that has a large minority population than it is to demonize the real enemy to the city which is a culture of gang violence fueled strongly by racial divisiveness. A divisive atmosphere not between whites and blacks, but more Blacks and Latinos. Google "MS13."

The Gun ban currently restricts all citizens from owning hand guns. So those law abiding members of society that have followed the rule of law throughout their lives and are currently under duress by evil people wielding guns cannot defend themselves. The citizen instead has to call the police who have an average response time of around 10 minutes leaving an opportunity for the bad guy to rob, murder and depart the area with time to spare before support arrives. The scenario is easy to read with very little compassion until you either know or experience first hand the helplessness and fear that a victim experiences. Think about it...

To continue down the list, the bad guys are overwhelmingly drug pushing gang members unidentifiable by most. The weapon of choice is obviously a gun. Like a carpenter needs a hammer, a drug pusher needs a gun. Guns are tools of the trade and this fact is indisputable and unpreventable. The removal of all guns is an impractical approach to the problem and does not solve the fundamental issue. Guns on the street are not subject to the laws of the government. There are no licensed firearm dealers who are required to register and back ground check every customer, there are no 3 day wait limits, there are no redundancies that prevent underage and illegal aliens from purchasing street weapons.

Preventing law abiding citizens the right to bear arms only impacts the law abiding citizen, not the criminal.

The comparison I can think of is London. The Brits banned guns and went through the city and forced their citizens to throw their weapons (even antiques) into giant wood chippers. Now they lead the world in violent knife assaults. Now,  GOOGLE "knife wounds." Lovely isn't it...

The fix? Well, it won't be pretty or quick. The culture of violence currently in most major cities is the result of decades and generations of blaming an inanimate object for all of the woes of the world and not blaming the choices of the individual. So, if law abiding citizens could carry and thus defend themselves when assailed by those who wish to do evil the bad guys would soon realize that it isn't so easy to take from the innocent any longer...

Monday, June 28, 2010

This is YOUR America now...

The Vice President of the United States is confronted about taxes in an ice cream shop. Joe Biden is put on the spot when all he wanted was a cute photo op and his response was, well, typical.

Joe Biden is the war dog of the Obama administration. When Obama wants something, he sends out the "Heavy" to shake em down. If it is a large Union like S.E.I.U. or a blundering oil company like BP, Joe Biden can siphon out the big bucks with a few threats.

Tell me, is this the America you thought you'd be living in when you sat in High school history class learning about the unique founding of this great nation? Was this the country that was the land of the free? With founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson who constantly displayed such principle and personal conviction to God and country, when did our culture and society degrade into such a shriveled image of its previous self?

Our leaders act like thugs. Our society turns its back on what made us great. What are you doing as an American Citizen to make it better?

Well if you can't think of anything perhaps start with educating yourself in politics and current events. Here is a website that makes all of this very easy, check it out right now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Years of preparation will not be in vain!

For so long I have been focused on the end of the world. Finding deals in the newspaper on ammo and constantly keeping up with the next big Kansas gun shows in KC and Topeka. Telling myself that every time I see a "deal" on a firearm that I won't be sorry when the zombie invasion happens. Well, thanks to our countries sickening love affair with our fearless Leader my preparations will not be in vain!

The President who is constantly in campaign mode and his legion of mindless drone followers have done more damage to the ideological foundation of this country in just over a year than any liberal in our short history.

Here are a few ideas that need to be published.

1. The saying "the truth hurts" exists for a reason. The word "Socialist" means something and the definition is being played out by the leader of the Free World. The media refuses to call a duck, a duck. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck its a damn duck people! Denying something is what it is only makes it harder to deal with.

2. Don't drink the kool aid there is poison in it you idiot! This Jamestown reference is focused at the people who blindly nod their heads at anything a politician says. Learn the specifics of a topic and learn how it will effect the entire picture not just whats surface deep. Passing a bill into law that costs a trillion+ dollars will not be some magical Utopian decision and will not be without repercussions. The affect goes farther than just your individual yearly health care costs. FYI- Watch the price of the US Dollar.

3. A sob story doesn't justify taking money from other people. Reliance on the Government is just that, taking from others. Tax payer dollars are not meant for your failure to prepare for the future. This is the United States if there is an emergency medical situation your lifelong responsible behavior can benefit you. Yet another reason to be responsible with your money and credit and to teach your kids to do the same. You are not entitled to anything, everything is earned and when you lose that mentality you lose your liberty.

4. Opportunity should be the primary purpose for politicians. Providing a free and open society that allows an individual the opportunities to be just that, an individual. Any law that makes you dependent makes you a slave. A state dependent slave is called a communist.

5. Know what your foundation is. Core principles aid you in your political education. What are you for? What are you against? Now learn everything about it. How does it effect you, your family and the future.

6. Utopia doesn't exist. Utopia doesn't exist. Utopia doesn't exist. Nothing is ever free! You must work for EVERYTHING you have. No exceptions. No politician is comeing to your rescue, and if they tell you otherwise they are lieing! It is as simple as that!

The current status of our nations future is in serious jeopardy. Your homework assignment is to learn the impact of the Countries credit rating possibly being downgraded due to the massive spending and debt being accumulated by this current Government. Here is a website that will give you links and a crash course on the situation.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trillion dollars on what now?

Every wonder what a trillion dollars looks like? Wanna know how much the Government is printing in order to pay for the massive Federal Budget...
Here you go!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Would you make it?

Russian Tsar Hydrogen Bomb Explosion - Watch more Funny Videos

So, a nuclear weapon has been unleashed in your general vicinity. Are you prepared?

If you are an average American, working 40 hrs a week, perhaps with a couple mouths to feed chances are slim that you are. I mean, come on, who would think about these kinds of things? If some said Glenn Beck, you'd be right!

Some things to consider in the case of potential Armageddon or even the occasional zombie infection.

* A lot can happen in 72 hours. Having a 3 day preparedness kit is at the very least a must! In this kit you should have at least 1.5 gallons of water per person. One MRE (meal ready to eat) contains upwards of 3000 calories. Having at least 3 on hand per person is a safe choice. Finally you can pick up a basic medical kit from the American Red Cross at a reasonable price (under $50). The kit would include basic pain medication, splints, gauz bandages, medical tape etc.

* Shelter- The variable here being the type of disaster. Sticking with a Nuclear or radiological approach the type of shelter becomes critical. Seeking any kind of shelter is the #1 Priority. If you are outside, standing next to a building is better than nothing. If you are in a house, the basement is better than upstairs. If you are in a basement and you have time to reinforce your area do so with sand bags and ceiling coverage. Gamma radiation is the killer so thicker the better.

* Clothing- When the first 72 hours have passed and food/water become a priority again you are going to have to scavenge. Remember, fallout is in everything and on everything so touch only what is necessary. By now the falling debris (fallout) has pretty much settled and is layering the surface. Avoidance is important but inhalation avoidance is critical. Cover your face as much as possible and wear gloves (kevlar if available). Consumption of any radiation exposed food will pose the risk of consuming the radiation. Knowing this seek food that was equally sheltered as you were. Using this as a gauge will minimize exposure. As for the outside water that is still in the hydrological cycle (rain, runoff and ground water) it is fully exposed and contaminated. Contact with this will undoubtedly over expose you to a high volume of rads, avoid this at all cost.

Getting out of the radiation zone as quickly as possible is always the top priority. However if that is an impossible task use your head and follow some simple guidelines. Being prepared, even for the improbable, is always worth at the least the peace of mind.

All additions to the above will be posted.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Reply to Bob Herbert's NYT OP-ED

Read this article from Bob Herbert's New York Times Op-Ed. It is a simple and quick read, so simple a caveman could do it...Seriously, it’s that poorly written.

Jim Crow Policing

SURPRISE! New York Times editorial regarding allegations of racism!!

A brief overview of the Op-Ed, every other paragraph goes like so: Paragraph A, misused statistic slanted to make blacks and Latinos out to be victims. Paragraph B, insulting and degrading comments targeted at a law enforcement body 1000’s strong and covering the entire Metropolis that is New York City, a pretty large generalization…

As chief of police in a major metro area that is either maintaining record low crime rates or showing signs of movement towards lower crime rates I would continue to adhere to the policies being used on the street. Strong Police presence in any neighborhood is never a bad thing. If the Chief was to remove patrols the same misguided journalist would be writing about how the police abandon the minority neighborhoods. This article has accomplished two things. The perpetuation of this nation’s number one social problem which is the continued over exposure to accusations of racism and two the continued use of publications to insight hatred for law enforcement.

On an individual basis if the police officer in question of a specific incident said anything that was perceived as racially motivated than that particular officer should be interviewed and investigated. However, the generalization that all New York City police officers are targeting non white citizens is a destructive and inflammatory accusation that could possibly have negative affects on the law enforcement city wide. That being said if any accusation is found to be rooted in truth than that particular law enforcement officer has broken his oath to serve and protect and should be reprimanded accordingly.

The exploitation of the statistics being used in this Op-Ed has two major flaws that I want to discuss. The first being that the location in which these supposed unlawful searches took place is an important factor that should be included. Labeling the location as New York is a large swath of land with neighborhoods that have culturally exclusive populations. If the statistical data for these incidents occurred in neighborhoods with high black or Latino populations that would explain the abundance of the specific races used in the statistics. It isn’t logical for an officer to think to himself, “Ok to make this fair I must find a white person” in an all Latino neighborhood.

The second flaw is best seen in the 3rd paragraph of page 1. Drugs were found in only 1.6 percent of blacks and 1.5 percent of Latinos and the drugs found in whites was 2.2% then according to the authors own allegations those statistics are incompatible. If the total number of white people searched is lower than the total of blacks and Latinos then the statistic for which drugs where found would be higher. Example: If 1 out of 100 blacks/Latinos were searched and had contraband that would be 1% total, if 1 out of 50 whites that were searched had contraband that would equal 2%. Statistics are helpful in proving an argument, but if the specifics of any given statistic are withheld from the argument than red flags should be soaring!

The approach taken by the author to the statements regarding off season clothing is pretty self explanatory. Last time I checked you couldn’t hide a KG-9 automatic pistol in biker shorts. However you can add to your rational that the crime rate increases exponentially with improved weather, that being understood it is odd to see a person wearing a leather jacket in July in 90 degree heat. The author is obviously smart enough to write for the New York Times, why is the author turning in an article that would be thrown away at a high school newspaper? The issue itself is an over used excuse in today’s society. The article is a constant diatribe of anti law enforcement propaganda and the author distorts facts in order to incite a negative emotional response.

This article is a prime example of an emotionally motivated case of journalism malpractice! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First of all, it is official, I am pretty attached to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. To my fiance's everlasting disgust, I thoroughly enjoy 4-5 firefights a night... On the other hand, my adorable better half is engulfed in the world of Twilight. So when I saw this video clip merging our two worlds I just had to share with the 12 people that read this blog!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Seperation of Church and US

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, expression. Ratified. 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The United States Constitution is has been called a "document of negative Liberties." Which I reply to that is how can Liberty, which was the primary goal of the founders, be anything other than negative powers? The definition of liberty describes it as the absence of external control. Which is exactly what government, and especially the current federal government in its form, is. Those in Washington telling us, the citizens what we cannot do. Well, the Constitution is what maintains our liberty, our ability to tell the Government what they cannot do!

The first 10 words of the constitution are the most warped pieces of the first amendment by judicial and political bureaucrats. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" is the root for the statement "the separation of church and state." Which is explained and often taught in public education as the "Government has no right to mention a god of any kind," let alone the god that represents over 80% of the countries population. The same God that was at the forefront of the American founders minds when forming this union. When the actual uses of those 10 words are put into the perspective of the founders, who for the most part left their native countries because of religious persecution, they are perceived more accurately. The Founders were simply stating that the congress, which is responsible for the creation of laws, cannot choose any specific religion i.e. the Church of England, as the established religion of the state, therefore allowing the citizens to worship God freely without fear of the Government punishing them.

Now with the existence of such legal bodies like the ACLU and the ever increasing number of atheist and anti-God organizations represented by them, the first 10 words of the 1st amendment are being twisted and established within higher courts and setting a precedent in the judicial system that removes God from all aspects of the Government, even our history, but most importantly our culture.

As any reader is probably curious at this point why I stated the document is a "negative" document in the introduction I am attempting to point out that a lack of religion i.e. atheism is in fact a replacement for it. Creating a Government that lacks the mention of a higher being, and removes the influence of a creator is in and of itself establishing a form of religion. Thus, the first 10 words of the 1st amendment of the constitution are in fact being violated by this effort. The Government telling its citizens that they cannot be open with their religion.

And then the impact of the following 6 words from the first 10 becomes highlighted, "prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Obviously removing God from the countries citizen’s everyday activities is prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. And in a country founded by Christians, who still maintains the vast majority of its populace and therefore impacting the most people, the absence of God in their Government is prohibiting free religion.

In conclusion, when the Federal Government forces state and local governments to remove items from their established government buildings they are in fact imposing "control" and removing liberties from the majority. As the first sentence of the first amendment you would think that it is an important, if not the most important, concept of the Constitution and there should be no room for error in its meaning. The constitution is not a document to be interpreted; it is a document to be adhered to in its strictest form. Therefore, plainly stated, the religion of no God cannot take precedence over the religions of God. So what is established with God within the Government cannot be un-established in favor of another religion, even if that religion is the absence of God.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Shore! Again!

Hitler reacts to Jersey Shore Season II


For the love of everything sweet and holy MTV is making a Jersey Shore Season 2!
That's right folks, a second edition of Guido anarchy is on the way courtesy of MTV!
The show's new location is still unknown but there is a possibility that the Jersey Shore crew will not be in New Jersey. 

The most memorable moment in Season one was undoubtedly Snooki's boxing match. 

Come to find out this guy is a Queens Gym teacher. He will forever live in infamy as the dude who hit a girl!

Let me know how The Jersey Shore has changed your life!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Boiling Point!

Today’s World Hot spots!

Right off the get go here is a list of potential boiling points.

  1. North and South Korea- The last 60 years are riddled with weapons exchanges between the two countries, but the recent request by the North to declare a formal cease fire is at odds with the latest show of force. 

  1. Iran/ Persian Gulf region- The recent comments by the Iranian government is forcing the West to be cautious.

  1. Taiwanese/Chinese strait- This long lasting standoff continues to heat up despite normalizing relations.

  1. Venezuela and Columbia- Tensions continue to rise as Ven. Pres. Hugo Chavez continues to increase military spending while decimating the countries free market system.

  1. Afghanistan and Iraq theaters- Afghanistan is ramping up with a slow influx of new soldiers as Iraq seems to be leaving the prying eyes of the media.

     These locations on the globe are hotspots that I consider to be important to the American people. Of course it is always necessary to keep in mind the efforts of the soldiers in the Middle Eastern Theaters but also remember that we have installations all over the world. It is crucial to know that our enemies have thousands of weapons with our troops in their cross-hairs in  many of the above locations. 
     For example the North Koreans have had 60+ years to reinforce the DMZ and zero in long standing Coalition military installations in the South. In Iran the Revolutionary Guard has been relentless at gathering intel on American troop strengths and locations through their well funded Iraqi insurgency forces while at the same time advancing their guided and unguided missile programs. 
     The American service men and women serving in these locations are under constant threat. The Chinese threat is clear as their advancements in military spending and their ever shrinking military gap with the United States is front page news. 
     Hugo Chavez is in the American sphere of influence, and in our backyard. To have a rogue Marxist destabilizing an allied country in Columbia is a direct threat to the interests of the United States. In this theater we are watching what JFK and others feared when they witnessed Castro taking control of Cuba. A communist domino effect nearly 60 years in the making and in America's backyard. American foreign policy makers will have to decide if standing by and waiting for Chavez to topple himself is the best path, or if a little American aid can hasten the goal. Either way a Venezuela with Hugo Chavez at the helm is a threat to the region.

     Do some research into any given theater and add your comments on the situation. If there is a theater unmentioned that you think deserves to be, add it to the list. Be sure to attach a link that will reinforce your position.

God bless

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

“Taking Chance” - Starring Kevin Bacon

If Hollywood lives by any rules at all it is by the rules of cinema. A movie must possess certain key pieces that combine to make it a movie. A movie must have a detailed, easy to follow plot. Usually a protagonist and an antagonist battle out the story line. Yet, in HBO’s “Taking Chance” it can be said that the stories hero never speaks, rarely is present in the scene and never once shows his face.

But I’ve never cared much for Hollywood and there is nothing that would make me care about their rules! “Taking Chance” is a 100% King Turk approved flick! Regardless of how tough you are (or think you are) if you can get through this movie without shedding a single tear you are either an emotionless wretch or you are very good at staying in la la land through a 2 hour movie!

The movie is an actual account from the perspective of a highly decorated, aging Marine Corps Colonel who feels like he is avoiding this generation’s war. The colonel is a numbers cruncher, stuck behind a desk and is intimately aware of both the number of soldiers committed to a battlefield as well as the number of soldiers coming home and to what condition they are in. Often sleepless the colonel monitors the casualty reports. When a specific home town is noticed he volunteers to escort the fallen soldier back home to his family. From this point in the movie the viewer is granted a great honor in itself to see the process of a fallen soldier’s last trip home. If for one second you think that the accuracy of this movie is exaggerated you are grossly mistaken. The personnel responsible for preparing and receiving the bodies of the soldiers as they arrive at Dover Air Force Base are of the most professional in their respective fields. The care and honor given is unparalleled. From the gentle cleansing of his dust covered hands to the tender care taken dressing Chance in his Marine dress uniform, the last thing he will ever wear. This sequence of the movie sets the solemn tone that will continue until he is laid to rest on a lonely hill in grass swept Wyoming.

On Chance’s trip the quiet acts of respect by those civilians whose path he crosses are in themselves heart filling. The symbolism and emotion displayed by the characters and the cinematography are in themselves the main characters in this flick as words wouldn’t come close to accomplishing the same thing. Explanation’s as to why the traditions and standards that are undertaken by the escort are short and brief which in reality is exactly how they would be given.  The respect granted upon and individual when they are saluted is vigorously displayed every single time Chance is moved from one place to another. The salute (especially by an officer) is a time honored tradition to a fallen soldier and is portrayed with precise accuracy by these actors.

As a service member myself I have no worse pet peeve than a Hollywood movie inaccurately depicting the military in any shape or form. This feeling either (A.) originates from my gross distrust of the source of the picture or the public words of the actor or director or (B.) from the notoriously anti- American, anti military record that Hollywood has as a whole thus ignoring the important details that separates us from not only other civilians, but other militaries throughout the world. However I watched this movie, very calm and collected just waiting for the Political propaganda to start spilling out, I was delightfully impressed. I really only noticed one, maybe two parts in the film that I thought was an attempt at liberal spin. However after further thought, the limo driver kid questioning why we were even over there is a completely understandable scene. The politicians and the media’s pessimistic coverage failed miserably at explaining the necessity of the war against terror. Keeping in mind that he is simply a naïve 19 year old kid that still thinks being in a band will get you girls, I understand and sympathize with his fear and restraint to commit to the efforts of the soldier he is driving. So again, the symbolism displayed by the youth being curious says far more than explaining that fact would have.

Taking Chance home to rural Middle America was a wise writer choice. The picture painted by the writer/director of an informal memorial at the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) with his best friend there to tell the story of Chance’s last hour was in my mind exactly how my community would morn the loss of one of their own, toasting our blue collar beer to his lasting memories, staying out late and then waking up at the crack of dawn to prepare our uniforms for the formal service.  The presentation of Chances belongings to his family in the school gymnasium and the reading of Chances NCO letter while examining his dog tags was brought full circle when upon the conclusion of the service and the rendering of the flags to his parents his father, in quiet servitude laid on top of Chance’s now exposed casket (given the flag was removed) his own medals awarded to him during his generations great war in Vietnam. No other gesture could have said more. No other action a father could provide would mean more to a son than what Chance’s father did for him.

This movie put into pictures a perception that is so very rarely on the minds of American citizens in this age. And sometimes it is necessary, even for me, to be reminded that the word “sacrifice” means something…

Go see Taking Chance.

God bless

Monday, February 1, 2010

I want an American President!

- Obama Crotch Salute -

The tradition of saluting the flag goes back to our earliest days as a nation, but what many don't know is that proper respect for the flag by saluting was passed into law by Congress on December 22, 1942.

The United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, paragraph 171 states the following:

§171. Conduct during playing

"During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there."

By that information, BHO, who refuses to salute the flag for any occasion, is in violation of the law. Observe the above pictures... Folks, it is in the little things that a person's true devotions can be seen.

The President of the United States, at Ft. Hood, Texas on Nov. 11, 2009 "Honoring" the 13 dead.
Obama refuses to salute, come to attention or even place his hand on his heart as the honor guard passes at the Memorial Service for those killed a Muslim terrorist at Fort Hood.

The part that angers me the most is that the journalists that are supposed to call people out on their horrible behavior completely skipped over this story. This avoidance of respect for the country that he represents was rooted in his campaign and was barely spoken about then... Perhaps now we should have payed more attention to the details...