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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

End All Racism!

The teeter totter of American civil rights is once again at its peak. The institutionalized idea of racism has reached the headlines of major media outlets, but why aren't the leaders in journalism highlighting the true racists? Why is there another failure to identify the truth, why is there a failure to identify the real threat?
Something that really irks me is when society, and the media in particular, misuse or manipulate the true definition of a word. For example the word racism. Take a hard look at the use of the word in society and honestly answer to yourself, why is it only whites can be racist? Why is it that a white politician has to be so defensive of the label?

The December 2002 comments made by Trent Lott during Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday became a political career killer.  Trent Lott said the United States would have been better off had Strom won his presidential campaign. Though the quote itself was not racially charged, the time in history when Strom was running for president he was an open segregationist. It was obvious at the time of the comment that Lott intended the words to be a compliment to Thurmond at his 100th birthday, the media neglected to include the context in which the quote was used. To the contrary, where was the media during Robert Byrd's career in the senate? Where was the media when Bill Clinton justified Robert Byrd's history in the KKK as just a route used to get elected in the south?The unfair treatment of conservative politicians compared to liberal politicians is disturbingly obvious.

The latest example of reverse racism actually occurred during the 2008 Presidential election.

A case was filed with the Department of Justice but was dropped by Attorney General Eric Holder. The Assistant AG in charge of the investigation has now resigned in protest over the matter. Under the Bush administration Assistant AG's were fired for incompetence and that matter became a major media news headline for several months.

On Monday July 12th 2010, in Kansas City Missouri, the NAACP called for the public rebuttal to the Tea party movement claiming that the movement is a racially motivated organization portraying racist ideas... My response, name ONE! The media has been gunning for the organization since the Obama-care debates, if the Tea Party had tripped up and if just one member said something or did something that could easily be viewed as racist it would have plastered on every news source across the country, but that hasn't happened has it!? Nope... Yet the NAACP and it's institutional approach to racism has thrown a giant label on the grassroots movement in an attempt to disrupt and slow down the Tea Parties apparent power to elect conservatives. The attack on the Tea Party to me is a clear political move. The Tea Party makes the liberals in the NAACP very, very afraid...

The fact of this matter is; racism is immoral in any form.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights."

There is not compensation for past transgressions when concerning civil rights. It is not justice to punish future generations for past generations mistakes, society must adjust the mistakes of the past to equality and progress forward. Justice should be the name of the game. Justice is a simply defined virtue; the quality of being just and fair. Every individual citizen of this country has a personal obligation to live their lives by this concept, plain and simple. Equal justice for all.

God Bless!