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Monday, December 27, 2010

Don't ask, don't tell... Don't care!

My father-in-law recently asked me "how does this new change in military policy actually impact those in the military?" Of course referencing "don't ask, don't tell" I thought that it was a unique and intellectually driven question because those in the media and especially those pushing the movement would never want the opinion of those who would actually be affected by the policy shift. I thought to myself that the inept and lazy pop culture society that is the current culture within our country, I knew that I had to post on this topic. So, here is the bread and butter of the situation from the boots on the ground.
First the facts must be known. The original DADT legislation was passed by President William J. Clinton in 1993 with the intention that this policy would open the door to military service regardless of sexual orientation. The repeal of DADT was signed by President Barrack Hussein Obama in December of 2010 in the 11th hour of a lame duck session of Congress. The very same people who fought behind the scenes for political action to repeal the policy where the very same people fighting tooth and nail to end the policy. Yet the Progressive community organizers love to "use" and manipulate their own politically ignorant minions to believe that this policy is somehow the work of either conservative bible thumpers, Republicans or evil military leaders. The fact of the matter is; this policy was a failed liberal idea and they would sooner have the electorate judge policy by their intentions than by their results.

My astute view on the impact is, it simply does not impact me, and here is why.
(This is my disclaimer, the following is not politically correct so if you don't want to hear the unfiltered truth,
go away!)
The threat to the disciplined mentality and structure of the United States Armed Forces is the openly flamboyant "flaming" homosexual who uses the system to their advantage frivolously throwing out accusations of abuse or unequal treatment. The truth in this matter is; the basic military training environment is designed to filter out those incapable of accomplishing the simplest of military tasks, regardless of sexual preference. And here is where the whacked out journalists in today's incompetent media will freak out. The first time there is a whisper from our training bases that an openly gay trainee was injured by his peers the media will throw out accusations that it is because the trainee was a homosexual. When the truth would more likely be that this trainee was weak and not accomplishing their assignments at the expense of the fellow trainee's. The gay trainee's comrades where sick of carrying the weight left in the wake of the trainee's incompetence and in an effort to "motivate" the battle buddies lit the trainee up. Why is a gay trainee who is flamboyantly feminine or "metro" not capable of being in the military? Believe it or not the military is not for those who think the world should be filled with rainbows and lollipops. It is an organization for the strong of mind and heart. This general idea would apply to any individual regardless of sexual orientation. No deviations, no compromise.

I personally know several (as in more than one) openly gay soldiers (male and female) currently working in the ranks of the armed services. These members are honest with their fellow soldiers and guess what, they weren't dimed out by their friends, no paper work was filled and no Article 15's where issued. Surprise, the military takes care of their own! Who would have guessed!? Soldiers want the simplest of things; to go home at night and to survive deployments. Sexual preference simply doesn't factor in to most people's equations...

The most frustrating and morale busting issue with this topic is the ignorance of those that are pushing this issue in the media and in the hallways of the Pentagon. Those intolerable people are the Hollywood celebrities attempting to "act" their way to importance and the Washington politicians seeking their next 15 minutes of air time. If the movement was authentic why didn't the media interview former military members that had experienced the struggle or someone with authentic credibility with the issue. The movement in my opinion was hollow and propped up by progressives who think they own the moral high ground in society.