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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chicago and guns, the breakdown

Here is the story.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states; A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Those who follow the religion that is progressive liberalism have many fundamental deficiencies that drive them to their misguided and often ignorant conclusions, however a major inability to identify the root cause to any socio-political problem consistently leads progressive leadership to ridiculous policy choices like that of Chicago's gun ban.

Talking points.

  • What is the primary problem in Chicago?
  • How does it impact an individuals right to defense?
  • Who is doing the shooting and how do they get their weapons?
  • Is there a world comparison?
  • What is the fix?
My breakdown. 
      After living in Chicago for two years I had a unique perspective from the inside. Working for a P.I. firm I was sent into some pretty nasty areas of the city and I will be honest, I was carrying. It is insane to go into the southland and not have some kind of personal defense plan. Like a line in the sand, the city is a warzone south of the loop. Gangs and drugs are the rule of law.

In the Summer of 2008 the city of Chicago's murder rate reached 125. The death toll in Iraq during the same period of time was 65. A story that was absolutely covered up by the Chicago media. The environment of anti guns is far easier to sell to the city that has a large minority population than it is to demonize the real enemy to the city which is a culture of gang violence fueled strongly by racial divisiveness. A divisive atmosphere not between whites and blacks, but more Blacks and Latinos. Google "MS13."

The Gun ban currently restricts all citizens from owning hand guns. So those law abiding members of society that have followed the rule of law throughout their lives and are currently under duress by evil people wielding guns cannot defend themselves. The citizen instead has to call the police who have an average response time of around 10 minutes leaving an opportunity for the bad guy to rob, murder and depart the area with time to spare before support arrives. The scenario is easy to read with very little compassion until you either know or experience first hand the helplessness and fear that a victim experiences. Think about it...

To continue down the list, the bad guys are overwhelmingly drug pushing gang members unidentifiable by most. The weapon of choice is obviously a gun. Like a carpenter needs a hammer, a drug pusher needs a gun. Guns are tools of the trade and this fact is indisputable and unpreventable. The removal of all guns is an impractical approach to the problem and does not solve the fundamental issue. Guns on the street are not subject to the laws of the government. There are no licensed firearm dealers who are required to register and back ground check every customer, there are no 3 day wait limits, there are no redundancies that prevent underage and illegal aliens from purchasing street weapons.

Preventing law abiding citizens the right to bear arms only impacts the law abiding citizen, not the criminal.

The comparison I can think of is London. The Brits banned guns and went through the city and forced their citizens to throw their weapons (even antiques) into giant wood chippers. Now they lead the world in violent knife assaults. Now,  GOOGLE "knife wounds." Lovely isn't it...

The fix? Well, it won't be pretty or quick. The culture of violence currently in most major cities is the result of decades and generations of blaming an inanimate object for all of the woes of the world and not blaming the choices of the individual. So, if law abiding citizens could carry and thus defend themselves when assailed by those who wish to do evil the bad guys would soon realize that it isn't so easy to take from the innocent any longer...

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